
Certified Master Trainer


01 - 01 Jan, 1970


To Be Determined;

Why Attend?

This course guides participants through a number of important stages of trainer development. The journey begins with an overview of what makes adult learning unique, and passes through a comprehensive personal assessment to understand personal trainer type and how to deal with the various types of participants. A detailed focus is also given to applying the 'ADDIE' model in instructional design. This course is designed to assist you in developing new facilitation techniques, methodologies, and insights to your training repertoire.

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    By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

    • Define the role of a master trainer during the various intervals of training
    • Assess personal type and participant type and develop a proper training style
    • Define and implement the steps of the 'ADDIE' model in training
    • Create engaging training material
    • Deliver effective and interactive training sessions
    • Examine and plan for adequate skill transfer on the job
    • Conduct a comprehensive training session

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Trainers, instructors, subject matter experts and line managers involved in training and seeking certification as master trainers. The course is also open for other participants wishing to improve their training skills.

  • Your role as a master trainer
    • Facilitating the learning experience
    • Before, during and after your training sessions
    • Understanding learners' memory
    • Ensuring learning results
    • Applying adult learning principles
    • Accelerated learning principles
  • Introduction to personality type and learning
    • Overview of personality type
    • Personality self assessment
    • Personality type and learning style
    • Characteristics of learners with different personalities
    • Eight learning styles
  • Applying the 'ADDIE' model in instructional design
    • An overview of the 'ADDIE' model in instructional design
    • Analyzing learners and learning context
    • Storyboarding for efficient designs
    • Developing your material
    • Rolling out your developments
    • Collecting feedback and evaluation
  • A complete guide for your training workshops
    • Training material required
    • Developing an opening that captures audience attention
    • The proper sequencing of your material
    • Appropriate usage of exercises, case studies, and activities
    • A blueprint for developing activities
    • The use of technology in your training workshops
    • Your PowerPoint slides and flip chart
    • Ending with a conclusion and an action plan
  • The delivery of training
    • Attributes of an effective training session
    • Audience attention and interest
    • Questioning techniques
    • The Johari window: building trust and rapport between master trainers and trainees
    • The Tabascos: ways to keep your session alive and the audience awake
    • Controlling public speaking anxiety
  • Skill transfer
    • What usually happens after training
    • What must happen after training
    • The master trainer’s role in skill transfer
    • Ways to improve skill transfer
    • Delivery and critique of training
    • Delivering the session
    • Exchanging constructive feedback
    • Completing your personal development plan

1970 - Course Type & Date

DATE: 01 - 01 Jan, 1970

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