SWIFT Assessment Guidelines Workshop
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SWIFT Assessment Guidelines Workshop
Course Objectives
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Target Audience
CSO, Department, Information Technology, Audit and Risk Department, Banking Operations, Payment Systems and SWIFT Department.
• Overview of SWIFT: What is SWIFT? (Context of the nancial industry), core messaging services (supporting business transactions), secure IP network and connectivity types, interfaces portfolio, FIN and ISO20022 messaging standards
• The Customer Security Programme: Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF), IAF - Independent Assessment Framework
• PKI certicates and HSMs: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), SWIFTNet Security Officers
• Connect to Alliance Gateway (or Alliance Remote Gateway): Operator Access, security management, operational and auditing profiles
• Connect to Alliance Access: Operator access, security parameters, messaging data flows, messaging routing terminology, operational and auditing profiles
• Connect to FIN and SWIFTNet: BIC usage and identity importance, FIN Secure Login and Select (connectivity control), SWIFTNet communication channels (InterAct and FileAct profiles)
• Integrity, filtering and other security controls: Authentication methods and application integrity checks, transaction business control (RMA and Payment Control best practices), condentiality, availability and integrity of messages, reconciliation and integrity of the message flow
• Audit trails (financial messages): Identification of a message (tracking history), message search and event log (where to see), daily message check report (the what), undelivered message report (why it failed), message delivery monitoring (what is the status), message retrievals (why to retrieve), monitoring event log (for Auditing), swift.com security and audit trail (who has accessed)
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